NS_STORMSIEGE Release Candidate 11 By MrRadicalEd Based off of NS_SIEGE007 WHAT IS A SIEGE MAP? -------------------- Played within the traditional game mode, a siege map ditches the hunt for resource nodes and hives for a far simpler means of play. This differs from the Combat game model where there is no commander and resource nodes. In a siege map, both marines and aliens have their designated starting areas with resources in their respective territories. The only obstacle separating the two sides is a door set to open a specific time that allows both teams to build to a certain level. Later, a previously locked door on the marine side will open, leading the marines in to a specific room next to the alien's hive room. From this room, marines place siege cannons to bring down the hives. For the the alien team, it is a mad rush to dominate and ultimately prevent the marine team from reaching the siege room. Marines, on the other hand, must keep a firm hold on key aspects of the map to insure their entrance to utilize the siege room. It is an uphill battle for both teams eventually leading down in to the very hill they fight for. STORY ----- Storm Siege was an idea I had in the back of my mind whenever I played Siege007 or any other rushed siege map creation. Why not have a solid siege map with all the trimmings? I finally got fed up and mapped Storm Siege. Finally.. I'd like to dedicate this map to my old NS clan, Critical Extinction. Screamer, Vinin, Cypher, Fro.. all you guys.. Glue.. all OF YOU, I had the best time playing NS with you guys. MAP DETAILS ----------- This map is largely a remake of the siege map Siege007. It's a proven siege design that I felt would be a good foundation to start. The map consists of these standard rooms: - Hive Room Main alien starting point where all three hives are located - Alien Resource Rooms 1, 2, and 3 - Alien Halls A long twisting hallway leading from the Storm door to the Hive Room. An accompanying vent system is included that also leads back to res room #3 - Undefendable Door Marine's side of the Storm door, or front first door - Ramp Room A large room filled with a ramp system stemming from one single ramp that separates in to two ramps going spanning three levels - Jetpack Room An approximately 5 story, three usable level room with two exits leading to Marine Start - Marine Start A now "L" shaped room with weldable barrier doors that exits to the siege room halls - Siege Halls This short hallway leads to the actual siege door and continues up to the siege room - Siege Room The siege room is situated behind the Hive Room. New Additions consist of the following: - Deal Breaker Room A room between Undefendable and Ramp Room. This room contains two resource nodes and a weld point that, after completing the 10 minute weld, opens the barrier doors in marine start - Marine Barrier System Two blast doors are activated inside marine start by a weld point within the Deal Breaker Room. These huge doors block the flow of passing aliens to the siege room. Be warned, the weld is complicated and takes many minutes! Is it worth it to your strategy to slow the aliens? - Deal Breaker Vents Two vents form from the Deal Breaker Room to the Ramp Room. Sealing them might garuntee a successful defense, but is it worth it to spend such valuable time on a complicated weld? - Short Halls This pair of hallways replaced the long hallways. - Siege Halls Not a true new addition, I lengthened and added more twists for Fades and the like to recover for a second and come fighting back - Siege Room Is now two levels and offers cover in a variety of ways that plays for and against both teams - Extensive Ventilation System Vents are everywhere to play on the aliens' advantages. Crucial vents are weldable, well let, double laned to prevent blockages, and offers great fun for the adventurous jetpacked frontiersman. QUESTIONS/COMMENTS/BUGS ----------------------- Found bugs? Have something to say about the map, or need help with NS mapping in general? Feel free to email me: MrRadicalEd[AT]Gmail[DOT]com 10.1.08 ------- - Recreation of resource file - Increased player spawn points to prevent server crashes - More texture adjustments - Removal of lights in dealbreaker and ramp room to increase moodiness - Confirming that weldables, vents, and barriers reset properly - Added space crates in the dark corners of siege room - Finally changed out the rain loop from mp3 to wav for a seamless loop - adjust sounds/levels - Compiled wad in map - Thanks geKo, woody, mothman, Clan I AM, G4B2S, ABLE, VH2 and others 9.27.08 ------- - Various brush adjustments - Various texture adjustments - Removed countdown and event sounds to reduce map size - Vis optimisations in Alien Halls - Removed Hive-Siege room window to improve preformance 6.30.05 ------- - Removed one res node in Ramp Room, and placed one in Undefendable - Fixed the clipping going on with the barrier doors - Fixed the "pitch black" RAD problem when standing on the stairs in Undefendable - Added nobuild barriers in the auxiliary res rooms to make it more fool proof for would be commanders untill the doors open - Moved the "secret" button again and updated tips - Added new wall scroll that appears within the map when the button in the hidden room is used. - Weld times in Deal Breaker increased to 7m 30s 6.24.05 ------- - Added left sided vent leading from hive room to the segment of Alien Halls where marines can siege from. - Cut 1 "starting" res node from each team - Changed the Undefendable Room's floorplan after removing the resource node from there(pitch black bug still there). - Shortened the segment of Alien Halls that connect to Undefendable - Used the free space to lengthen Short Halls and renamed to Long Halls - Rearranged the obstacles in Deal Breaker Room to be less annoying, but provide strategic advantages - Added 1 more resource node to the marine auxilary resource pool - Deal Breaker vent and Barrier Door weld times are both 5 minutes 30 seconds. - Various brush and texture adjustments - Tried to fix the 5 minute warning message for the siege door - Moved the location of a "secret" ready room button, updated tip messages - Added another "secret" button in the hidden room. Tip: "Chauncy" 6.16.05 ------- - Added second vent from Deal Breaker Room to Ramp Room - Lighting tweaks and additions (Undefendable has more ambient light in the rear) - Misc brush and texture tweaks (hopefully none from here on out) - Marine Barrier weld time decreased to 6 minutes 30 seconds - Deal Breaker Vents weld time increased to 5 minutes 30 seconds - Cut resource pool for both teams from 10 to 8 nodes - Added "backup resources" for marines 5 minutes before the siege door opens - Moved the "I AM Clan" shrine button to a new location (hive tips updated) - Shaved 25 minutes off of the total compile time in RC8 5.30.05 ------- - Removed second set of secret buttons - Brush based entity tweaks - Corrected 5 minute warning message on the siege door (now reports properly) - Added one more resource node for marines makes it 10 for each team (3 starting for marines) 5.24.05 ------- - Fixed all three Leaf Saw errors from RC5 - Add second secret button that takes you to two locations randomly - Misc brush/texture tweaks - Reduced the amount of models/brush based entities to the absolute minimum without sacrificing for limitations with VIS - Hive location names sorted out(dropping hives should prove easier now) - Included wad with the bsp 5.21.05 ------- - Removed 5th resource node from marine starting pool, and left the two nodes in Jetpack Room - Changed 6 minute barrier weld to 8 minutes - Fixed issues with seekret button # 1 - Added seekret button # 2. Seekret button # 2 is activated when the marine barrier weld is completed after which displays a message on how to find it. - "Prettified" seekret room # 1 - Elaborated vent system for aliens. Now one large network including a vent that exits out in to the hive room itself - Added credits and misc easter eggs - Texture and brush tweaks - Hive room sound tweaks (hopefully not so loud while still retaining ambience) - Decreased frequency of lighting strike sounds. Min 5 to 10 seconds, max 30 to 15 seconds. - Prevented marines from building in the "caged room" 5.18.05 ------- - Added "sneeze guard" to the vent over Undefendable Room to keep the acid rockets and gas spam to a minimum - Pushed the two resource nodes in Ramp Room up to the back - Added two resource nodes to Jetpack Room - Marine Barrier weld is now a 6 minute weld - Deal Breaker vent weld is and always will be 4 minutes - Added a resource node to the marines' starting res room - Added easter egg room. Details of using the easter egg are displayed when marines kill off the hives. Each hive has its own hint. 5.16.05 ------- - Added vent system to the last vent shaft in alien halls that links to Undefendable Door. The vent door opens when the storm door opens - Removed clip brushes(alien side) around siege windows to prevent structure loss, and added more brushes to the windows themselves to prevent exploiting - Fixed the nobuild area around the siege doors. No you can enter and exit with no problems of invisible brushes blocking you, at last.. - Texture changes around side slanted hive windows - Made the grate "box" in the jetpack room a two sided/walled box to look right. - Added 4 minute weldable in the Deal Breaker Room to weld shut the vent in that room that leads to the ramp room 5.14.05 ------- - Adjusted light levels to account for most players using brighter gamma/brightness levels - Fixed issues with some rooms(mainly sky lighting) interfering with the command view and dropping structers - Removed 2 resource nodes at marine base - Widened the entrance to the marine resource room - Moved the marine's barrier doors back to make more of an impact in terms of functionality and importance - Added two ladders with the barrier doors for the unfortunate marines who fall in - Increased the depth of the support pillars in Alien Halls for better cover - Siege door timer now correctly displays a "10 minute" warning message after 10 minutes since the game timers' start has elapsed - Made the top most platform in the Jetpack room inaccessable that had given marines an unfair advantage - Made the ramps leading to the siege room more accessable to players as Onos(no more getting stuck on the upper ceiling) - Cleaned up misc/sky brushes - The sky in the Jetpack room now puches downward - Added "black" texture to the bottom portion of the Jetpack Room - Adjusted sky lighting so the Lerklift mod cant be used to exploit - Clipped the windows in the Hive Room/Siege Room to prevent exploitation - Increased max viewable distance by 256 units - Prevention of exploiting doors