TITLE : Pr0n v. 2.0 MOD : Natural Selection -Combat- FILENAME : co_pron.bsp AUTHOR : BigD DATE : 3/22/2004 EMAIL ADDRESS : ice_n_steel@hotmail.com HOMEPAGE URL : http://www.oldf.net BACKSTORY: It's like Tron, but crappier. There is a definate MXC theme too. If you don't know what MXC is, well... google it. I was going for "unique" with the style. Consider it more of an experiment if you like. I'd like to first thank the academy. Then I'd like to thank the following: A bunch of MXC websites for the mp3's. I snagged them like 6 months before I started this so I have no idea where they came from exactly. www.hardcoreprawn.com for the pimpin pr0n! :D OldF for the geezer and our good friend Toothy the skulk! Yay! Yeah, I know, I should have asked before I used that music and that pron, but I mean this is a stupid fun map ffs. It'll probably be played on all of 2 servers. :p (If asked I can remove them from future versions I suppose. Hey, I'm just covering my ass here. You never know!) So yeah, if you have any problems, see the OldF mapping forum for a place to complain. Getting a hold of me through the forum is your best bet.