Online Evolution's King Of The Hill BETA 1 King Of The Hill is a combat map with a spin. Unlike a regular combat map, you are unable to enter an opposing teams base thus destroying the hive/cc. Instead you have to be present in a room for three minutes, the room at the top of the map. After around two minutes, you are able to enter this room plus be able to weld/destroy targets that open up secret shortcuts from the base to the room that allows much easier access. Enjoy this new kind of map! Where files should go: nsp/maps/co_kingofthehill_b1.bsp nsp/maps/co_kingofthehill_b1.txt nsp/maps/co_kingofthehill_b1.res (server use only) BETA 1 NOTES: -Everything works (plays/resets) just fine. -Next release might have minor texture fixes and added gameplay balance.