===================================================================== Natural-Selection Map Spec Sheet ===================================================================== ------General Information-------------------------------------------- Title : Dawn (Release Candidate 7b) Filename : co_dawn Author : Richard "esuna" Clark ------Play Information----------------------------------------------- Deathmatch : No Single Player : No NS : NO NS:C : YES How Many Players: 32 Supported, but 16 suggested. ------Map Information------------------------------------------------ NS2.wad Textures: Yes New Textures : Yes (co_dawn.wad) New Sounds : Yes New Skybox : Yes (dawn**.tga) New Models : Yes New Sprites : Yes ------Construction--------------------------------------------------- Base : From scratch Editor(s) used : Valve Hammer Editor 3.5 Adobe Photoshop 7.0 Terragen 0.9 Milkshape 1.6.6 FL Studio Compile Machine : AMD Athalon XP1800+, 512MB RAM Compile time : ~15 Minutes ------Map Instructions----------------------------------------------- Extract the zip to the ns directory and it will put everything where it should be. If this doesn't work, the .bsp goes in the maps directory, the .wad should be in the ns directory and the minimap goes in sprites/minimaps/. ------Changelog------------------------------------------------------ RC7b : Fixed minimap sprite. : Recompiled with the new nshulls.txt, sorry! RC7 : Unfortunately, the external detail is gone. It will see the light of day in the future, but for optimisation it's gone for now. Sorrryyyyyy! : Dawn is good for release, so release it i have! RC6a : External detail for marine start / horizons. : Completed standing light model. RC6 : Rebuilt the storage hold hive entrance to be less "human looking". : info_locations everywhere! : Added new light to brighten the storage hold hive entrance, accompanied with a standing light model. The model and skin are still beta at the moment, and serve merely as placeholders. : New warning stripe texture to replace the earlier work in progress one. RC5b : New RR ambient music. RC5a : Entirely new environment map, much sexier! : Fixed some lighting to accomodate for the new sky since orange light coming from a blue sky would be a bit odd. :-) : New steam sprite to replace blacksmoke1.spr because that i have no idea where it came from. RC5 : Lost previous changelogs, so new changelog started. : New environment map, still work in progress. : New warning stripe texture, still work in progress. : Minor r_speeds tweaking, hope that's the last of it. ------Additional Info------------------------------------------------ Any feedback or suggestions, please send them to esuna@btinternet.com as they would be greatly appreciated. ------Copyright-Permissions------------------------------------------ Sorry guys, i give NO permission whatsoever to decompile this map or use the textures in any other mapping project. Not like you'd want to, but it's the principal of the matter. Also, please no using ripent or similar to modify the map, if you want something changed, email me about it and if i consider it to be valid i'll sort it. Failure to comply will mean that i will set 13 wild dogs after your mother. Also, these RC builds are only for people i select them to be for, if you have this and i didn't give it to you (esuna) then it's most likely out of date and when the release comes, it will be useless. ------And Finally---------------------------------------------------- I'd just like to convey my thanks to a few people. First and foremost is the NS dev team, all of you, you made this mod possible and i love it to pieces, i play it every day, and this is my way of giving something back. Thanks guys. Next on the list is a few testers, lolfighter, supernorn2000 and, of course, Birdy^, who gets extra thanks since she just kept pushing me to finish off a new build to send her. :-) And as for the rest of the thanks, they go to the NS.org forums community, especially the mapping forums lot, you helped point out issues in the map, helped me with one or two problems and have most of all given me the motivation to keep going. Thanks you guys, I really appreciate it. --------------------------------------------------------------------- "Thanks for royally sucking, Wither."